Sunday, August 7, 2011

SILLY JOKES - by you!!

Hey people this is a new something that we like to call SILLY JOKES- by you! Send your jokes and their answers to I can't wait to see them!!


PLEASE spread the word

Hey people who have a computer ( or access to one), I need more viewers, SO spread the word- tell your BFF,  randomn people on the sidewalk , your annoying siblings, anybody-but don't tell your teacher- that's not cool. Oh, has any one heard of the phrase, uber-cool?
P.S please comment.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hello People!!

I'm guessing that everyone has heard about Rose Cooper's Blogtastic novels. Well, guess what? Her second book is coming out on October 11, 2011.Yippee!! Here's what the second book looks like-

I know... UBER-COOL!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Don't spend your summer vacation...

Don't spend your summer vacation-

1.Moping Around the house
2.Watching TV 24/7
3. Sleeping
4.Texting on your phone 24/7

Instead, go do something fun. Go discover something new, annoy your sibling, hang out with friends, play a sport. you have a 104 days of summer vacation- USE IT!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Interesting Facts about France

You guys know how I write about Mermaid Melody, right? So I thought you'd want something new..  so I  am going to write every week about a different thing in "Interesting Facts about ..." You can email topics at, and I'll check them out.Thanks! : )

France is known for inspiring writers,artists, thinkers, and etc. It is known for being home of the Eiffel Tower, and Notre Dame. French economy is one of the most developed in the world. Both World Wars were partially fought on French soil. Roman ruins are still there, from when they conquered the French, who were known as the Gauls. Lastly, Paris is known as the City of Lights.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Don't get me wrong i still like Mermaid melody but domo is cool....